Looking to achieve a mosaic effect within Apple Motion 4? This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or are a seasoned digital video professional simply wishing to get better acquainted with Motion 4, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, and to get started using this mosaic effect in your own Motion projects, take a look.
Ever wonder how to make your text spin in 3D around an object? This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or are a seasoned digital video professional simply wishing to get better acquainted with Motion 4, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, and to get started creating Universal-style animated 3D text, take a look.
This clip demonstrates how to use Apple's Cinema Tools to batch conform 50p or 60p DSLR clips to a lower framerate (e.g., 30, 25 or 24p). As you might expect, the conversion process is actually quite easy to go about it. For detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started conforming your own footage in Cinema Tools, watch this free video software tutorial.
Tired of text that walks the line? See how to create a circular text effect when working in Motion 3. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or simply wish to get better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
Wondering how to use more than one mask at a time in Motion 3? It's easy. Learn how with this free video software guide. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or simply wish to get better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
Interested in creating a zoom blur effect in Motion 3? See how it's done with this free video software guide. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or simply wish to get better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
Want to create butterflies and lens flares in Apple Motion? Learn how with this free video software guide. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or simply wish to get better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
Learn how to remove noise, abberations and blemishes from your digital video when using Apple's Motion 3. Learn how with this free video software guide. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or simply wish to get better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
In Motion, as in Final Cut Pro, masks are an essential special effects tool. In this software guide, you'll learn how to create a film strip effect. Whether you're new to the Apple's popular motion graphics editor/compositing application or simply wish to get better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find value in this tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
Can't figure out how to make a travel matte in Final Cut or aren't even quite sure what a travel matte is? Never fear. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using travel mattes in your own projects, watch this FCP lesson.
Learn how to recreate the COPS face blur effect using Apple's Final Cut Pro 6 in this video editing tutorial. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using this Track Matte key effect in your own FCP projects, give this guide a gander.
This clip explains the biggest difference between Final Cut Pro and Expres — to wit, the Filters. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For more information, and to learn more about the difference between FCP and FCE, watch this tutorial.
In this clip, award-winning director Philip Bloom walks you through the process of color grading his film "Return to Dungeness" in Final Cut Pro using Magic Bullet Looks. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor, new to Magic Bullet Looks or just want to better acquaint yourself with either program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For more information, watch this FCP lesson.
Learn how to slow or speed up a clip without changing the duration. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using these useful shortcuts in your own projects, watch this FCP lesson.
Speed up your Final Cut Pro workflow by using key commands when playing, creating, deleting and moving in and out points in both the viewer and the timeline. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the popular video editing program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using these useful shortcuts in your own projects, watch this FCP lesson.
Use Final Cut Pro? Want to expose just one color while leaving the rest black and white? See how it's done with this free video software tutorial from CNET TV. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with some of the more esoteric features of the program, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial. For specifics, including a step-by-step overview of this trick, watch this Final Cut Pro lesson.
Have a surfeit of amour-propre? This free video software tutorial will show you how to create a digital double using Final Cut Pro. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just looking to add to your bag of tricks, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using this effect in your own projects, watch this FCP lesson.
Want to make your own 3D shorts to rival anything by James Cameron? This free video software tutorial will show you how to work with stereoscopic video in Final Cut Pro. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just looking to add to your bag of tricks, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using this effect in your own projects, watch this FCP lesson.
Learn how to create 3D extruded text within Final Cut Pro using the Boris Title 3D title tool. This free video software tutorial will show you how. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using this effect in your own projects, watch this FCP lesson.
Want to conform 50p or 60p DSLR clips to a slower framerate (e.g., 24, 25 or 30 fps)? With Cinema Tools and Final Cut Pro, it's easy. Learn how with this clip. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using this effect in your own projects, watch this FCP lesson.
Want to create a cinematic tracer round effect in Final Cut Pro? Learn how with this clip. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, and to get started using this effect in your own projects, watch this FCP lesson.
Want to know how to integrate Final Cut Pro and Adobe After Effects? This clip will teach you how to do just that. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or simply new to using these two applications in tandem, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, including a step-by-step overview of the integration process, watch this Final Cut Pro lesson.
Need some help figuring out how to integrate Final Cut Pro and Motion? This clip will teach you how to do just that. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, including a step-by-step overview of the integration process, watch this Final Cut Pro lesson.
Want to to speed up or slow down a video clip in Final Cut Express? Let this clip show you how. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, including a step-by-step overview of the grading process, watch this FCE lesson.
Need some help figuring out how to cause a video clip to play in reverse when working in Final Cut Pro 6? See how it's done with this clip. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, including a step-by-step overview of how to reverse a video clip in Final Cut Pro, watch this FCP lesson.
Want to to blow up a subject to Brobdingnagian proportions in Final Cut Pro? Learn how to create a giant effect with masking in this clip. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For specifics, including a step-by-step overview of this great post-production trick, watch this FCP lesson.
Interested in synchronizing audio and video in Final Cut Pro? Learn about the sync menu in Apple's Final Cut Pro 6 with this video editing tutorial. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial. For specifics, including a step-by-step overview of how to use the sync menu, watch this Final Cut Pro lesson.
Want to make your digital footage look a little less ... well, digital? Color grade it for a classic film look. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to better acquaint yourself with the Final Cut Pro 6 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial. For specifics, including a step-by-step overview of the grading process, watch this Final Cut Pro lesson.
If you make a flub at a store and buy a shirt in the wrong color you're usually stuck with it (unless, of course, you were smart and saved the price tag just in case). But in Final Cut Pro, anything is possible, even changing the color of a shirt to fit your taste.
Pleasantville is a town where everything is preserved in a frothy '50s white bread film, forever stuck in time, orthodox, and unchanging. So when certain objects begin acquiring a technicolor sheen, the townspeople went bonkers.
Unless you happen to be the real life version of Hayden Christensen's character from the movie "Jumper," who has the magical gift of teleportation, traveling from one place to another simply by will is a power restrained to science fiction novels and movies.
Make your head magically explode to the horror of parents and the glee of enemies without damage to yourself by learning how to digitally force your head to go ka-boom on the computer.
Make sure your video projects are broadcast safe with color correction and the Waveform Monitor in Apple's Final Cut Pro. This free video tutorial presents a complete overview of how to use the Waveform Editor and FCP color correction tools for increased darker blacks and whiter whites while staying with broadcast specifications.
Looking for an easy way to work with footage from a two-camera setup within Final Cut Pro? Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor or just want to learn how to take advantage of Final Cut Pro 7's new features, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial from the folks at Lynda. Specifically, this software tutorial provides a complete overview of how to sync multi-cam footage.
In this how to video, you will learn how to create a film look to your videos in Final Cut Pro. This effect will create a light and warm tone to the clip. First, take the original clip and copy and paste it. Grab it and place it on top of the original clip. Next, make sure that the top clip is selected and click modify, composite mode, and add. This will bring up the highlights in the video. Go to effects, video filters, and Gaussian blur. Go to the settings increase the radius of the...
Open your video in Final Cut Pro. Go to Effects>Video Generators>Boris. Then drag the option called Title 3D over your video. Then select Title 3D and go to your controls. Then click on "Title 3D Click for options". Now a new box should be open. Type your text into it. Then, highlight your text and pick the font size, then hit enter. Next, select the font. After that, go to the bottom test menu, and select Drop Shadow. Make the shadow distance 2. For the shadow opacity, turn it up...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to import, manage and export 16:9 footage in Adobe Final Cut Pro. Begin by opening the Log and Capture.Then configure the Logging, Clip Settings and Control Settings. For the Control Settings, set the Device Control as Fire Wire NTSC and the Capture/Input as DV NTSC 48 kHz Anamorphic. Then scroll through the sequence setting of the footage and check Anamorphic. To export, click on File and select Export. Click in Options set the the size to Compressor...
In this how to video, you will learn how to layer videos in Final Cut Pro. First, open Final Cut Pro. Get your original clip and then put the clip that you want in the clip and drag it in over the top in the time line. Change it to image and wire frame. Grab the corner of the image and drag it down to the size you want. You can also move it around. Next, go to sequence and render it. Once that is done, change the selection back to image. Once you play the file, both clips will be...
This video tutorial teaches you how to use Traveling Luma Matte in Final Cut Pro 6. To do this, you have to go to custom gradient. Open the "Find" option and type Custom Gradient or Gradient in the search field and click Find All. This will bring up a separate search window with the gradient effect you are looking for. This search window can be shown in your browser or removed from your window. The video then teaches how to use the Gradient effect. You can add the gradient effect to your video,...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to import and render footage in Adobe Final Cut Pro. To import files, begin by going to File, select Import and click on Files. Then browse for the file and click Open. Now drag the clips into the time line to edit. To render the footage, begin by selecting it. Then click on Sequence, select Render Selection and click on Both. This video also shows viewers how to cut a clip and add effects. This video will benefit those viewers who are just beginning to...
This video tutorial teaches you the basics of Keyframing using Final Cut Pro. A picture is used in this tutorial. You can also use video or picture for this example. The video shows the keyframe button and the different keyframing tools. The video then teaches a basic keyframing concept of how to add a motion to the clip using keyframing. You can also add rotation effect in the keyframe. When you add a keyframe and move the clip from one place to another, it adds a path along which the clip or...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to altering clip speeds in Adobe Final Cut Pro. This will allow users to speed up, slow down or reverse a video clip. To slow down or speed up a clip, click on the clip in the time line and hold down the Control key. In the pop up menu, click on Speed. Users will be able to change the percentage of the speed or duration time. Users can also check Reverse to reverse the clip. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy creating videos with Adobe...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to import music from i-Tunes into a Adobe Final Cut Pro project. Begin by right-clicking the song and select Show in Finder. Then drag the song from the Finder into the Final Cut Pro program. Users will not be able to drag songs directly from i-Tunes to Final Cut Pro. If the song is not compatible with Final Cut Pro, right-click and select Show in Finder. Then right0click the song and select Open with Quick time player. Now click on File and select...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to create a freeze-frame effect in Adobe Final Cut Pro. Begin by placing the time line indicator to where you would like to place your freeze-frame. Press Shift and N to create the freeze-frame. The default user preference is 10 seconds. To change it, change the time and click on the insert button to splice the new freeze-frame time into the time line. Now click on the Effects tab and select the Dip to Color Dissolve under Video Transitions and...
Making a 3d sphere in Motion 3 can be tricky. Luckily, there's someone out there willing to help you. In this video, learn a show cut on creating a true three-dimensional sphere using cameras.
First, after recording the movie open it in IMovie. Make the "rough edits" (removing parts of videos you don't need, and making quick changes). Next, go to Share>Export Final Cut XML. Now an XML file should be on your desktop. Then open up Final Cut pro and edit the audio. If you are adding music, you can open soundtrack and find the music you want, then click and drag it into Final Cut, or send it to Final Cut. Then, make the edits you want to your video until you have it polished into a final...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to add movement to still images using Final Cut Pro. Click on the view mode button in the canvas window. Set the mode to Image and Wire Frame. Move the canvas play head to the clip you would like to affect, and select the time line. To control the scale, grab the corner to shrink or enlarge. Reposition the clip by clicking on the image and dragging it around. To rotate the clip, move the mouse over the edge and click and drag it to spin it. Select the...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to make a light saber or similar image in the Final Cut Express program. First, go to the effects tab and go to video generators and select color solid. Drag this to the viewer. Go to the control tab and select the blue color. Now drag it to the time line. Double effect the color solid and go to mask shape. Select filters and change the effects settings to 2.5 horizontal scale. For the vertical scale, select 75 to 85. Go to the effects, video effects,...
In this Software video tutorial you will learn how to apply the Film Look effect in Final Cut Pro. This is an advanced technique. This essentially takes a video and makes it look like a film. Select the video clip that you want to work with. Then select the 'color corrector 3 way' filter. This is under the 'Effects' tab. The key to any color correction is to crush the blacks. So, decrease the blacks with the slider. Then increase the whites as films have higher white level. Depending on the...
IShowU and Shiny White Box demonstrate how to create still image effects in Final Cut Express. First, place your scroll bar in the front of the timeline and click on the clip so that it is selected. Then, click on the motion tab in the preview window. Hit the keyframe button in the scale option. Create a keyframe also where you'd like the effect to stop on the clip. Adjust the line. When you now play the clip, the image's size will be adjusted as you have designated. You can use the same...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to get 720p quality videos in Final Cut Pro HD. This is useful if you want to take advantage of the higher quality video settings found on YouTube. First, have your film ready. Go to Export and press QuickTime Conversion. Now, name the file. Next, click options and uncheck internet streaming. Go to sound settings and change the format to AAC with a quality of Best. Now, go to the video settings. Change the size to 1280 x 720 HD. Change the frame rate to...
Plangere Culture Lab demonstrates how to use the opacity feature in Final Cut Pro. The opacity feature is a beneficial tool to use when working with layers. Opacity is an attribute which relates to how much you can see through a clip. To layer clips, create a new video track on the timeline. Make sure that the source tab is in the right position. The track on the top of the stack is the dominant track and will be shown. Select the volume and opacity overlay button. Click on the line over the...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to add text and titles to videos using Final Cut Pro. First, place a time line play head where you want the text to appear. Move the mouse to the lower right corner of the viewer window and click the add text pop up menu. Select text and the viewer will change to a black box with Sample Text in the middle. Click on the tab labeled Controls. You can edit the text in this new window. You can move the text by selecting Image and Wire Frame. This will allow...
Haven't mastered the full potential of Motion yet? Motion is a part of the Final Cut Studio package, and it allows you to do much of the things possible in After Effects. In this video tutorial, learn how to create particle confetti in Motion.
Because most professionals prefer recording audio independent of their DSLR camera using the double-system method, this video demonstrates how best to sync the audio to your video track in Final Cut Pro.
Frustrated with the seemingly inscrutable machinations of YouTube's HD video upload feature? With this home video production how-to, you'll learn how to optimize clips exported from Final Cut Pro for YouTube's high-definition player, resulting in beautiful, perfectly syncronized video every time.
In order to be able to work with Canon DSLR footage (as from a 5D Mark II or 7D), you need to convert the h.264 into a more edit friendly format such as Apple ProRes 422. This tutorial shows you in detail how to ingest and convert this footage.
In this Final Cut Pro tutorial, learn how to make your digital film look like is came from tape. Step by step, learn how to create that "film look" in just a few clicks of your mouse.
This video tutorial details how to set up Canon 5D MK II footage on Final Cut Pro. After watching this, you'll be able to create an easy setup for your project. It covers using the Audio/Video Settings option and using the Sequence Preset Editor to maximize your project workflow. See how to create the Easy Setup!