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This is a great how to for all users in Final Cut Pro X 10.1.2 If you ever wondered how to flip a clip in a different direction in Final Cut Pro X 10.1.2 (also in the latest update of 10.1.3), here ar ...

Hi, first of all, thanks to WonderHowTo. My question is how to import .mts format files into Final Cut Pro 7? I'm unable to import that files through log and transfer. If there is any option, please a ...

I Film on a Panasonic P2 HD Video Camera, the Recording Settings Are as Follows, 1920x1080 – AVC Inter 100mbps /50i. When I Ingest the Footage into FPC 7 It Converts It into a .Mov. The unwrapped mov ...

Compressor 3 is part of the Final Cut Studio package and sports a brand new interface. So if you're new to the software, or haven't played with the newest version, you're sure to learn some good hot ...

It's no secret. Professionalvideoeditors everywhere are irate at the newest edition to Apple's popular non-linear video editing software, Final Cut Pro X. As of right now, Final Cut Pro X has 503 five ...

If you are into visual effects, then Chroma Key is a feature of Final Cut Pro X that you have to know. Watch this video to elarn all about the Chroma key green screen tool that you can use to screate ...

If you're shooting with a camera that doesn't have a built in microphone, you'll want to watch this video and learn how to use the automatic audio sync feature of Final Cut Pro X. Do video editing rig ...

Frustrated by the lack of export options in Final Cut Pro X? Watch this video and learn how to create custom export settings. Using Compressor you can set the desired quality of your video exports fro ...

Got some footage that needs a touch up? Watch this video to learn how to use the color correction tools in Final Cut Pro. This video explains how to make the most of 3 way color correction to get your ...

Final Cut Pro X has all new effects and transitions that no other video editing software has. This is your video guide to all of the things you can with FCP X on your Apple computer. Learn about the a ...